Tag Archives: Nintendo

Culture, Taste, and What We’re Thankful For


What we like can say a lot about us. As sociologist Pierre Bourdieu said, “Taste classifies, and it classifies the classifier.” The claim is that you’re born into a certain milieu, and that ends up influencing what you like. More interestingly, though, these tastes end up “classifying you” through your attitudes toward the tastes of others. You defer to those whose tastes you view as superior and look down on those who can’t match your own cultural cred. When this plays out, we have ourselves a class system.

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Pokemon X and Y Finally Enter The 3D World!

Oh. My. God. It’s finally happened. The 8-year-old Pokemon Stadium player in me jumping for joy – as is the 20 year-old college student. The thought of a 3D Pokemon game has been on my mind for years, and finally, with the advent of the 3DS, Nintendo has accepted that this is the next step for expanding and completing our Pokedex.

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