J.J. Abrams to Direct Forthcoming Star Wars Sequels


It was announced today that famed director and sci-fi buff J.J. Abrams will be the helmsman of the upcoming installments in the ‘Star Wars’ franchise. This news holds greater significance for science fiction fans as Mr. Abrams has been the primary impetus behind the reboot of the ‘Star Trek’ film franchise. In one swoop, J.J. Abrams has claimed the monopoly on blockbuster interstellar film franchises.

Disney has set the 7th installment in the ‘Star Wars’ franchise for a 2015 release. This film is set to launch a new trilogy in the landmark franchise however it is too soon to determine if Mr. Abrams will be around for more than one episode.

What do you think? Does this put ‘Star Trek’ fans and ‘Star Wars’ fans at odds or does it work to further unite the two?

Source: L.A. Times

Review- Guardians of Middle Earth (XBLA)

This weekend I thought I would give a new console game a shot, although not wanting to spend an arm and a leg at the store purchasing a new title, I searched through the Xbox LIVE Arcade store to see if anything grabbed my attention.

Now, if there are two things I’m most fond of in the culture of geekery its giant robots (which undoubtedly will comprise a lot of my articles) and Tolkien. Folks, I am a huge Tolkien fan and no, that doesn’t just mean being a fan of the films. Ever since I was young I found myself fascinated by his writings and read everything I could, from LOTR to The Unfinished Tales and everything in between. So naturally I was excited to find that a new game featuring my favorite universe was being featured on LIVE I knew my search was over.

Continue reading Review- Guardians of Middle Earth (XBLA)

Pokemon X and Y Finally Enter The 3D World!

Oh. My. God. It’s finally happened. The 8-year-old Pokemon Stadium player in me jumping for joy – as is the 20 year-old college student. The thought of a 3D Pokemon game has been on my mind for years, and finally, with the advent of the 3DS, Nintendo has accepted that this is the next step for expanding and completing our Pokedex.

Continue reading Pokemon X and Y Finally Enter The 3D World!